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New Describe what it does...
First: Describe what it does.

Second: What version of Grub... is it "legacy" Grub or the New Grub?
New Symptoms...
Power failed when it was very hot. When I tried to reboot, it just hung. I finally got it to boot by running a live install disk and selecting "boot from the first disk." Once it went straight into linux. A second time, I hit arrow keys and got to select windows. Both would boot and behave as they normally would. I'm assuming that it has a timeout which I missed the first time and for some reason I didn't see the grub selection screen. I'm thinking that the MBR on the first disk is screwed up and needs to be rewritten, but I'm not sure that's the way to go.

It's gnu grub 0.97.

New Uh... hmm.
Effectively you'll need to do a "grub-install"

If booted from a Live/Rescue CD, make sure your Linux install is mounted somewhere like /sysimage/root and that the "/boot" directory is properly mounted as well if its a separate filesystem (/sysimage/root/boot) and it has the proper files in it (kernel, initrd, /sysimage/root/boot/grub/, etc...)

do a "grub-install --help" and make sure you are using the proper arguments, but effectively you'll need to do this:
grub-install --root-directory=/sysimage/root /dev/hda

Ensuring /dev/hda is the right device according to the Live/Rescue CD. Oh one other thing get a Live/Rescue CD that has the proper version of grub on it as well... (your Linux Version installed should probably be good one to use.)
New Not quite the case
The boot menu for the live CD let me boot from the first disk. I was able to run grub under the native system. I did everything up to rewriting the MBR and then started worrying about that. I just restarted the machine and got my grub menu. I took a little longer than usual to come up, but seems to be behaving normally.
I could be having some heat issues; it's well over 100F in my room here. I think I need a better fan in front of the drives at least.
If I have to rewrite the MBR later for some reason, do I rewrite it the the first disk in the chain or the one with grub boot/root on it? I have 3 SATA disks on it.

New Yikes! Try to keep cool!
New Easier fantasized than done...
New Well, then its apparent...
You have something going on heat related.

But, the "chaining" you are talking about doesn't pertain to MBR. Its pertains to grub once its running. Chain booting will point things properly.

As long as the MBR knows where the menu.lst is, it doesn't matter.

use which ever the "device.map" declares as hd0... in fact

grub-install hd0

from the running system should work without a problem.

Yeah, I know its scary. Try doing it remotely. :P
New Thanks much
I always appreciate your advice. Thanks again.
     GRUB question - (hnick) - (8)
         Describe what it does... - (folkert) - (7)
             Symptoms... - (hnick) - (6)
                 Uh... hmm. - (folkert) - (5)
                     Not quite the case - (hnick) - (4)
                         Yikes! Try to keep cool! -NT - (Another Scott) - (1)
                             Easier fantasized than done... -NT - (hnick)
                         Well, then its apparent... - (folkert) - (1)
                             Thanks much - (hnick)

I see shrieking neurons - certain they will Never be given any Work! Contemplating seppuku.
84 ms