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New Another take on what motivates us
RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us (10 minutes)

New Peter nabbed this gem in 'Open'
A decided Keeper, of course.
In Murica, maybe in 10? years the 2%-Rulers shall have grokked about a tenth of the message.
('Course that might as well be a century, etc. :-/)

Ideas (with origins) + clever use of the medium -- almost makes up for a day of National bafflegab on the msm ... almost.

May it go viral!!
New Sorry Peter! I missed it! Apologies....
     Slime molds weigh options like economic actors. - (Another Scott) - (3)
         Another take on what motivates us - (dmcarls) - (2)
             Peter nabbed this gem in 'Open' - (Ashton)
             Sorry Peter! I missed it! Apologies.... -NT - (dmcarls)

Whoa-ho-ho, nice shootin', Tex!
48 ms