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New no, I want to be able to trade from home. This is fappery
no different than breaking into a bank electronically then rounding down every account balance by one penny. Its a lot of money being made and lost on a very small price move, doesnt effect the market as a whole.. A better idea is taxing the winnings efficiently and ensuring that one of these guys goes out of control and bangs the market flat like a while ago when a respected companies stock went down to a penny because of an oops. Hefty fines should ensue, not driblets like the recent goldsax fine but 25% of a companies gross for one year. This will provide both entertainment and accountability.
New A transaction tax is better.
If you only tax "winnings" or only punish manipulators via court cases after the fact, then there's too much incentive to game the system. There needs to be a small percentage transaction tax. That'll lessen the high-speed churn of huge amounts of money on small swings.

There are real costs to the economy in these shenanigans. The industry should bear some of those costs, not just claim the benefits.

New what real cost?
two highspeed traders are making it off each other a real trader might have to pay a premium of a few pennies on one transaction because of that.

There is a pool of money on the table called bets. That pool is shifted to the various gamblers at the table. When a Gambler walks away from the table with a profit THAT is what you tax. You dont take a house percentage off of every hand.
New These are not even transactions
Much of these new system jamming orders are not even transactions, just price quotes for buying and selling.

Some of them seem to be caused by HFT, as the various algorithms try to outmaneuver each other they trigger bogus price wars. But some of it seems to be a kind of denial of service, sending out huge number of quotes they know will never be filled, just to fill up other companies quote processing systems.

     Kevin Drum: Crop circles on Wall Street - (Another Scott) - (5)
         Maybe it's time to de-electronicalise stock trading. -NT - (static) - (4)
             no, I want to be able to trade from home. This is fappery - (boxley) - (3)
                 A transaction tax is better. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                     what real cost? - (boxley)
                     These are not even transactions - (jay)

I couldn't find my socks this morning, so I dialed information.
90 ms