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New Replication-friendly Editor?
Many places don't factor code nor like factored code (from a duplication standpoint). Thus, programmers are fairly likely to encounter copy-N-paste code whether they like it or not.

I wonder if any editors are specially designed to manage and edit replication-happy code. For example, take 2+ files of code, compare them, and create a pattern profile that highlites what is the same and what is different, and perhaps even make the similarities into virtual parameters so that one can change one spot and have that change ripple across to other references and/or files with the same pattern. (The same applies to code snippets within the same file).

IOW, if you can't beat 'em, find a way to make joining them easier.
New Re: Replication-friendly Editor?
Emacs (and probably Multiedit) do a good job highlighting differences.
As to deducing patterns and doing something about them - that's what programmers are paid to do. I don't think there will ever be an automated tool for that. When done by humans, it's called .... (drrum rrolll) .... refactoring!
New I knew someone was going to mention That Awful OS
Emacs, that is. It's not an editor, it's an operating system.
"I didn't know you could drive to Europe." -- An eavesdropper, piping in when he overheard a conversation about someone who had driven to Montreal.
New Any comments then on the Java OS vs. Emacs OS?
New What about the refactoring browser, then?
Various Smalltalks have a tool that will let you automatically make these changes. You highlight a bit of code, select which transform you want, and *poof* it's done.
New Ooops :)
New Uhhm... Are you looking for Diff (M$ OSes:"FC") + Patch?
New pcwrite, if it is still out there
     Replication-friendly Editor? - (tablizer) - (7)
         Re: Replication-friendly Editor? - (Arkadiy) - (4)
             I knew someone was going to mention That Awful OS - (wharris2) - (1)
                 Any comments then on the Java OS vs. Emacs OS? -NT - (tablizer)
             What about the refactoring browser, then? - (neelk) - (1)
                 Ooops :) -NT - (Arkadiy)
         Uhhm... Are you looking for Diff (M$ OSes:"FC") + Patch? -NT - (CRConrad)
         pcwrite, if it is still out there -NT - (boxley)

42 ms