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New The rich get richer, the rich get meaner...

Trickle Down Meanness, by Maxine Udall: Linda Beale ... had a really excellent post a few days ago about a study by Sreedhari Desai, Arthur Brief, and Jennifer George that examines

...a heretofore ignored consequence of rising executive compensation. Specifically, we claim that higher income inequality between executives and ordinary workers results in executives perceiving themselves as being all-powerful and this perception of power leads them to maltreat rank and file workers. We present findings from two studies - an archival study and a laboratory experiment – that show that increasing executive compensation results in executives behaving meanly toward those lower down the hierarchy.

The study conclusions are consistent with my own conjectures that there are ethical as well as economic consequences that result from dysfunctional financial markets and the dysfunctional labor markets they induce. The economic consequences include gross misallocations of financial, physical and human capital, away from activities that would promote long run economic growth and well being and to activities that will promote rising income inequality. The ethical consequences are erosion of trust and compassion, both prerequisites to fairness in rewarding contributions to long run growth and prosperity. If the above study is right, we can add frank meanness to the list of ethical consequences. ...

Sure, it's a generalization and may be too strong. But it seems reasonable - Masters of the Universe are obviously different (and it goes without saying, better). After all: "We don't pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes." - Leona Helmsley.


New Corresponds to another observed effect
money => power

mean => corrupt

I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band.
(Tori Amos)
New That meanness trickles down, too..
Tales from the Field:

A local articulate, intelligent 'rescuer of abandoned ex-pets' has many anecdotal reports of hostility towards her operations (those being: to trap starving and or weak/unhealthy animals, removing them to a place of safety and, eventually -- to new homes.) Her overview:

a) Most-all the people engaged in these rescue operations (distinguished from Establishment 'animal control' via their much greater effectiveness in matching animals to adopters, efficiently and at low cost) -- are 'poor', as regards income, not psyche.

b) Many of the rich, in the places where she traps, are actively hostile to even her presence 'in their territory'
(though she is a paragon of replying calmly and briefly to oft incendiary nastiness, and in patiently explaining how her 'help' removes these unsightly creatures from their manicured environment, etc.)
There are even such as will respond to her flyer with information about (what may be her own! kidnapped-cat, long-sought) -- a sighting of just such an animal. Then refuse her placing of a trap near that location, or in any way assisting. Go figure. It's almost as-if ... a premeditated tease? of the most despicable grade.
What I mean is: their logic is inconsistent and their communications are, accordingly incomprehensible -- the common thread is an evident sheer meanness even to the point of first implying an intention to cooperate / followed by an clear aim to do quite the opposite (for whatever 'reason' ... never made evident.)

(Fortunately, even in such pricey areas wherein the rich are sequestered within iron walls, there are pockets of (longer-term dwellers prior to gentrification) -- those who offer her alternatives, attempt to ameliorate these bizarre circumstances.) Apparently also a Class dichotomy: these helpful ones are (relatively) quite poorer than the nasty gated-compound neighbors. Would make a good aberrant-psych research paper, IMO.
While there is more psych material in her reports than I can briefly summarize here, there appears to be a correlation between say, 'an increase in the meanness-quotient' of the rich and their attitude towards (what one would think to be an apolitical matter) -- even the rescue of abandoned/distressed animals.
Now THAT's mean-ness by any definition

-- and it's increasing as it trickles-down (along with the number of animals, as these are abandoned along with the underwater McMansion) in degree-of-meanness; these are 'middle-Class' house=flippers etc.:
animals left with no provision for food, water, even sometimes locked-in. Other neighbors may throw rocks/worse, etc. at the starving animals; yes ... too-bloody-Often this occurs.
(Spoke for hours with a San Diego man whose sole project is dealing just with animals abandoned with and within the foreclosed premises.)
He's spent $thousands in $$vet-corporation fees, because of the sorry condition of so many of these ex-pets / or perhaps they were mere disposable toys, in the event..

As these 'reporters' are connected only via their common desire to rescue animals, their personal politics cancel out: and they are all, thus far, reporting similar experiences. I've heard now many hours of such reports, over past several months. The more I hear from these (volunteers all) the more I am convinced of the widespread disintegration of most qualities which anyone would want/expect in a society worth preserving.
Most are as mystified by their now daily experiences as are my local contacts. And as appalled.

I deem this decent data -- about a now indecent kultur, becoming only worse, as the faux-gloss falls away and the bills come due.
(And, meanwhile -- I appreciate even more the generous donations from some special IWErs. Those $$ saved specific lives I could enumerate, two of them on-premises currently. Thanks! you know who you are.)

The cohesiveness of these networks, their prodigious services exemplify that once-society we're losing daily -- and this admirable dedication permits my psyche to tolerate the rest, to put-off a Canadian escape that much longer. One day at a time, even for the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

I, not disillusioned.
I wasn't much illusioned all-along; Joe McCarthy revealed to me early-on the basic character of my then-cowering Fellow-Muricans in those bucolic Eisenzzzzhower Years. Hasn't improved throughout all those patriotic war$, either. Just as well I wasn't prescient 'about the US's possibilities' -- what a continuous Bummer that would have been.
Now, at least, I may even get to See unnatural Vulture-Capitalism Die its unnatural death. Satisfiction? that.

I could almost see voting for Palin in 2012 on the grounds that this sorry ratfucking excuse for a republic, this savage, smirking, predatory empire deserves her. Bring on the Rapture, motherfuckers!
-- via RC
New Not sure how you make that logical leap
to "those mean rich people" from this story, especially in light of the much more voluminous and impactful stories such as


where the pet hoarders in a more general sense are not "mean rich people" who happen to vacation for a week and leave poor Fluffy unattended in the mansion (except for probably the care and feeding from the undocumented cleaning staff)...or the "mean rich people" that were foreclosed upon (which would lead one to think that perhaps they aren't so rich..but maybe just mean).
I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose freewill.
New Non seq.
You appear to be conflating Obsessives with.. the topic of this thread. Yes, there Are such -- regardless of income. So?

I was referring to the attitude of the local-rich, simply: re the efforts of a quite tactful, soft-spoken person in search of a venue for trapping, near where a stray was spotted/reported -- and the mien/attitude/non-communication she has encountered, repeatedly over past 1.8 years.

Nothing I mentioned has the slightest relationship to (whether or not the sullen-rich have or have-not their own pets and how they treat them) nor were Obsessives mentioned. I was addressing one variety of Meanness as was the topic. So your question about my report is … ?

As to how 'voluminous' are these filler-stories of excess: amidst the talking heads -- is that supposed to represent the validity of Anything? any more than the rest of the MSM's relationship to actual (thus often 'controversial') matters of importance. It will be rare when a local talking head actually addresses this new epidemic other than via some occasional anecdotal equivalent of a car-crash report -- too many peoples'/advertainment-subjects' feelings would be hurt, especially if numbers of events involving cruelty by neighbors or abandonment by ex-owners were mentioned and more than 23 seconds were expended.

What I do (now) know re the networks of animal rescuers, is that they appear to have mastered their [inter- and intra-] networking techniques -- measured by the efficiency of operations (ferrying animals sometimes to another state, informing locals of sightings and the myriad details which all have to be attended to, before an animal is indeed somewhere where it is wanted and will be cared for.)

(And in our county, there is now more cooperation twixt the groups and the official animal control folk: this is unprecedented progress within not much more than a year. That development alone merits some MSM attention; still … fat chance.)

New Animal hoarding is its own kind of crazy
Apparently, there are specific, identifiable brain chemicals involved.

I knew a cat lady once.

It isn't general meanness that makes a person keep 85 chihuahuas.

I think that's more like masochism...
I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band.
(Tori Amos)
     The rich get richer, the rich get meaner... - (Another Scott) - (5)
         Corresponds to another observed effect - (mhuber)
         That meanness trickles down, too.. - (Ashton) - (3)
             Not sure how you make that logical leap - (beepster) - (2)
                 Non seq. - (Ashton)
                 Animal hoarding is its own kind of crazy - (mhuber)

I have neither space nor cash nor latitude to adorn my house with any more things with CPUs in them.
38 ms