obviously it hasn't a snowball-in-Miami's chance of ever being taken seriously by the Great Unconscious that drives the vix populi.

Just one facet mentioned has immense consequences:
Scooters! via ad campaigns like, from the '60s, Honda's, "You meet the nicest people on a Honda.."
More parking; all street lanes become magically wider!
The obvious: not merely a fraction of the petrol, but greatly reduced maintenance and -ultimately- insurance and related overheads.

Modern designs, including even ABS, would add to the appeal.
Maybe you can't bring home a week's groceries for a family of 6 -- in one trip, but the majority of guzzler errands (to go by the 8-13 for a Big Gulp and like that) entail transport of not much Stuff.

And that's just one on his list.
Nope, not a prayer: Muricans simply not Smart enough to discern what is in their best interests
(cf. the $13/hr peon voting Repo ... to have all the perks when s/he gets to $500K/year?? maybe?)

And so it goes ...

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