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New Most illuminating.
I wonder about other car ads...

Mitsubishi are currently spruiking fixed-price servicing on their new cars which is obviously an appeal to people who think new cars cost too much to maintain. :-/ Great Wall motors are capitalizing on their price point.

BMW are selling the quality of the driving experience. So are Mazda. So was Honda, not so long ago. :-)


Q:Is it proper to eat cheeseburgers with your fingers?
A:No, the fingers should be eaten separately.
New My Mits is the cheapest car...
I've ever had the pleasure of maintaining.

at 68,000 for my 2002... I've done regular maintenance, a set of front brakes, a set of tires, four bolts for the front sway bar. One ignition spark module ($90) and literally noting else.

The A/C is not producing *COLD* air anymore(only slightly cooler than the outside), as it sits most of the time and I think the seals have been punished due to it. So, an A/C redo is in order. And last oil change the Stealership told me the rear sway bar bushings are going... they quoted $700 to do the work... GACK! I got new set for $70 and a few hours of work. All done. Of course, I didn't dis-assemble the entire rear suspension like they quote in the Standard Manual... I used the cheat like Mits mechanic I know uses. I just have to support the rear suspension properly when down.

Truly, this car has cost me less to maintain than *ANY* other car I've owned. I bought it new.
New well you dont hardly drive it anywhere what do you expect
my 2005 van is a weekend driver and it has 110k changed plugs and tires and brakes. Thats it except for when the air conditioner scattered into a bazillion bits. That was $1700 for stealership brand new replace everything
New For the Mileage I have put on it.
Its cheaper than any of the other cars I've ever owned.

Currently cheaper than newly acquired Van. In one repair... its flew past the Mits in costs.
     IreadLRPD - (lincoln) - (9)
         Ref: Will It Blend? -NT - (drook)
         Vibrators? Straight razors? Whipped-cream pies? -NT - (Ashton)
         They're selling dreams. -NT - (static) - (5)
             Read an interesting article today - (drook) - (4)
                 Most illuminating. - (static) - (3)
                     My Mits is the cheapest car... - (folkert) - (2)
                         well you dont hardly drive it anywhere what do you expect - (boxley) - (1)
                             For the Mileage I have put on it. - (folkert)
         Some of those "stunts" are a bit tame - (mhuber)

Dr. Peter prescribes a nice warm cup of shut the hell up.
39 ms