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New Argh!
Well, okay, I *like* beef cuts pan-fried in butter and onion, but I did want to try something different. I'm a bit surprised I managed to salvage the piece of meat (and it was wonderully tender), but what simple things can I do to a piece of rump for pan-frying? I tried a coating f flour, cumin and olive-oil, but that all ended up burnt on the pan. :-/


Q:Is it proper to eat cheeseburgers with your fingers?
A:No, the fingers should be eaten separately.
New rump is a little dry to fry
take a slice and beat it with a hammer until its paper thin
take some soy sauce add ginger and a spoonful of thai sweet hot chili
http://www.templeoft...ood/chili_pastes/ anyone of those will do mix it up in a cup
chopp some mushrooms
heat up the pan slap the meat in cover with mushrooms then turn the heat way down and simmer turning frequently until mushrooms have shrunk. Its done
New Like he said, pound it flat
When pan-frying, the thinner the better.

New One of my local ethnic markets sells steaks . . .
. . made of the tougher cuts at very low prices - but makes them quite edible pan fried. They slice them very thin, under 1/4 inch, but take them off the slicer in pairs stuck together. The pairs are set overlapping in foam trays.

You can fry these pairs very hard and fast so they're well singed on the outside but they are still juicy inside due to the pairing. Cut so thin they aren't tough at all.
New I had my butcher do this with some ribeyes

Ribeyes are already pretty forgiving, but this made them damn near foolproof on the grill.

New Yes, I saw that.
It's on my To Try list.


Q:Is it proper to eat cheeseburgers with your fingers?
A:No, the fingers should be eaten separately.
New I think I mis-thought.
It was a New York cut, but obviously the same applies to porterhouse or scotch fillet.

I did pound it a little. I forgot I did that.

Ginger and soy I could do.


Q:Is it proper to eat cheeseburgers with your fingers?
A:No, the fingers should be eaten separately.
New Salting overnight may help, too.

There was a segment on "America's Test Kitchen" that talked about salting recently - they said let it work overnight or a day, IIRC.


     Argh! - (static) - (7)
         rump is a little dry to fry - (boxley) - (5)
             Like he said, pound it flat - (drook) - (3)
                 One of my local ethnic markets sells steaks . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
                     I had my butcher do this with some ribeyes - (drook) - (1)
                         Yes, I saw that. - (static)
             I think I mis-thought. - (static)
         Salting overnight may help, too. - (Another Scott)

Given sufficient thrust, even pigs can fly. You just don't want to be around when they come back down.
38 ms