it intended --maybe??- to make some sense. Somewhere. Methinks this species is a Loser: there must be trillions of mind-hours wasted each year in mental masturbations on this scale.
The planet will be on Broil before these defectives ever notice the Black Pope at the thermostat.
OTOH/surprisingly! this link on sidebar:
..while a bit too didactic to be swallowed whole, appears to moi to be a decent minimalist catalog of the various absurdities of our $T fantasies at the base of allopathic medicine: which indeed never Does 'cure', etc.
And, (evidently as the fact: it's better to wound an enemy than kill, for all obvious maintenance reasons)
... you only make those n-Billion$ annual bonuses when you successfully hook a slew of pigeons on [the average seems to be 8] 7 -12 expensive drugs taken thrice daily.
(Synchronistically: NPR did today a review of 'cancer theories' with the new head of Natl. Cancer Inst.)
Most interesting to note just how many ways you can spin euphemisms for.. "we're just beginning to learn how multifarious are the forms of 'C', depending on an individual's genetic code.." Etc. AKA - Not Much New in last 30-40 years. Except the research budget.
And so it goes. Surprised to find this ~sane [and brief!] medico aside within the nutter milieu linked.
Almost makes up for trudging through the Black Pope and Her Minions, secrutly overseeing Just Everything cha. cha. cha.