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New Can't believe I read this litany of angel-ghouls as-if
it intended --maybe??- to make some sense. Somewhere. Methinks this species is a Loser: there must be trillions of mind-hours wasted each year in mental masturbations on this scale.
The planet will be on Broil before these defectives ever notice the Black Pope at the thermostat.

OTOH/surprisingly! this link on sidebar: http://www.vaticanas...ca-by-mike-adams/

..while a bit too didactic to be swallowed whole, appears to moi to be a decent minimalist catalog of the various absurdities of our $T fantasies at the base of allopathic medicine: which indeed never Does 'cure', etc.
And, (evidently as the fact: it's better to wound an enemy than kill, for all obvious maintenance reasons)
... you only make those n-Billion$ annual bonuses when you successfully hook a slew of pigeons on [the average seems to be 8] 7 -12 expensive drugs taken thrice daily.

(Synchronistically: NPR did today a review of 'cancer theories' with the new head of Natl. Cancer Inst.)
Most interesting to note just how many ways you can spin euphemisms for.. "we're just beginning to learn how multifarious are the forms of 'C', depending on an individual's genetic code.." Etc. AKA - Not Much New in last 30-40 years. Except the research budget.

And so it goes. Surprised to find this ~sane [and brief!] medico aside within the nutter milieu linked.
Almost makes up for trudging through the Black Pope and Her Minions, secrutly overseeing Just Everything cha. cha. cha.

I could almost see voting for Palin in 2012 on the grounds that this sorry ratfucking excuse for a republic, this savage, smirking, predatory empire deserves her. Bring on the Rapture, motherfuckers!
-- via RC
New Yup, interesting list
I was nodding along, mostly agreeing -- though some of it was ... overstated would be fair, I suppose.

Then I got to #9 where he firmly flipped the bozo bit. Wow, he really condensed all the wackadoodle into that one bullet point, didn't he?

New The lies are lies
1) Vaccines make you healthy - um, nobody tells that lie. Not even the Pharma people. Vaccines are about prevention of specific infections.

2) OK, that's a hit.

3) Doctors are Experts in Health. Some are, you have to look hard. But that's not the job, and the good ones will tell you that.

4) You have No Role in Your own Healing - have you seen a medical facility ad lately? Patient empowerment is the biggest fad in health care.

5) Disease is a Matter of Bad Luck or Bad Genes - I don't know any doctors who believe in spontaneous disease. They are all certain that every disease has a cause, there are just a lot that aren't known yet. But every medical person I've ever met is sure that there is always a cause. Some medical types don't care much about the cause on a day to day basis. I'm one of those - I'm curious as to how your soft tissues got the way they are, but mostly I just fix them.

) Screening Equals Prevention - kind of have a point here. Screening is overrated. And in the current health care delivery system, can get you bankrupted and dead. But who says it is anything more than a possible step in prevention? Anyway, most screening is for existing conditions, by definition it is too late for prevention.

7) Health Insurance will Keep You Healthy - Again, who says this? It's mostly about fixing problems, not prevention.

8) Hospitals are Places of Health and Healing - Who says this? Every health care professional knows that getting you out of the hospital ASAP is a priority, that you won't really start healing until you are back in your natural habitat.

9) Conventional Medicine is “Advanced” State-of-the-Art Medicine - Well, it is "state-of-the-art". By definition. But pretty much everybody involved wants it to be more advanced than it is. The germ theory no longer rules, everybody involved knows that germs are a piece of the picture, not the whole picture. And then there is a bunch of gibberish...

10) More Research is Needed to Find “Cures” - this falls into the category "so messed up it isn't even wrong".

True fact: It is illegal in every U.S. state for a doctor to recommend any vitamin, nutrient or food for the prevention or treatment of any disease. Doing so can cause a doctor to have his medical license permanently revoked. How crazy and outdated is that?
Semi-true. A doctor can get in trouble for recommending something to treat or cure a disease that has not been approved to treat or cure that disease. But most doctors will just recommend and skip the "to treat or cure". A doctor won't get in trouble for telling you "vitamin C is good stuff, I'd take 500 mg a day if I were you" or if he tells you about a research study where the group taking vitamin C ended up getting better faster than the control group. But he might if he says "vitamin C will cure your cancer". And rightly so.

There is a reason why guys like me call what we do "complimentary" instead of "alternative". OK, two reasons, one of them is that it's PC. The other is that you need both what we do and what doctors do.
I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band.
(Tori Amos)
New Weasel words
Not you: Doctors. Sure, doctors know enough not to explicitly claim any of the first nine. But for the most part those statements represent the impression most people get from the medical community.

People have been trained to think medicine is about fixing problems, not preventing them, and that health == medicine. So yes, they do think good insurance and screening == good health.

I did say I thought they were overstated, but I still say the first nine are a message it's pretty easy to get from the current system.

     whackadoodle time, way past tinfoil hattery - (boxley) - (5)
         Long lost cousin? :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
         Can't believe I read this litany of angel-ghouls as-if - (Ashton) - (3)
             Yup, interesting list - (drook) - (2)
                 The lies are lies - (mhuber) - (1)
                     Weasel words - (drook)

I can't shake this feeling from my head.
35 ms