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New Not to my taste.
Add shipping (overnight in some cases) to their prices and it's all definitely more bitter than I like. Definitely a site for Yuppies.

Besides, I live in Los Angeles where you can get just about anything from anywhere in the world for less, with the convenience of a local store.

A funny: Friends of mine spent a lot of time traveling the world. In Turkey, I think it was, they bought some rugs as an "investment".

Preparing for their next tour they took them to a rug dealer here. He looked at them and shook his head. "First, they've been hung on walls which decreases their value, but more important is this: in the world there are two centers of the rug trade where rugs can be had for less than where they were made. Those two centers are Hamburg and Los Angeles".

He quoted prices - and they gave them away to friends. I have two of them.
New You've mentioned that one
It's true that someone with your access and knowledge doesn't need something like this site. Most people are missing one or both. For instance, I don't have the access. And I'm a cheap bastard, so I'll probably do without before I pay what they're charging.

But I am not my customer. My customer is someone who has money to spend, but no time or interest for research, and would rather pay me for having done the research for them.

Anecdote back atchya:

I was once in a meeting with the CFO, IT Director, and National Processing Center Director. During the meeting it came up that the CFO was heading to our Nebraska Processing Center for a meeting. He hit Orbitz while we were talking. We got on a tangent about taking the earlier flight with a layover, or spending $35 more for the later direct flight. Ten minutes into the discussion I asked, "At our combined salaries, how long do we talk about this before we've spent $35?"

For lots of people it makes sense to spend $22 for a half-pound of buffalo jerky rather than spend two hours searching for a cheaper source. WalMart has built a business model on selling to cheap (or poor) bastards. That's not the business I want to be in.

New People obsess about saving pennies.
When much of the time (e.g. one-off or rare purchases) it doesn't matter.


Q:Is it proper to eat cheeseburgers with your fingers?
A:No, the fingers should be eaten separately.
     Interesting site I just found - (drook) - (3)
         Not to my taste. - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
             You've mentioned that one - (drook) - (1)
                 People obsess about saving pennies. - (static)

Mandatory cayenne enemas would have the same effect.
62 ms