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New "released Saturday on $10,300 bail"

Where would I, a relatively sane and constantly working guy, come up with that kind of cash on short immobile notice? Even posting 10% with a bail bondsman would be between challenging and impossible.
I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band.
(Tori Amos)
New Sign your house away
Or someone else's. Or their lives.

When I had a relative that needed bail, 5 family members (aunts, uncle (me), cousins) went to the bail bondsman. Bail was $40,000. We needed $4,000 cash on us. That payed the bondsman. No refund. Those of us with full time employment signed the paper that said each was fully responsible for the full $40K.
     florida takes the spotlight from texas again - (boxley) - (2)
         "released Saturday on $10,300 bail" - (mhuber) - (1)
             Sign your house away - (crazy)

I choose vodka and Chaka Khan.
32 ms