TL;DR: Republicans are bigotted fucksticks.
It's no secret that I'm openly bisexual and that I'm a male-to-female transsexual. What surprises many, however, is that I'm a Texas Republican. In a state that's openly hateful towards minorities in many districts many ask how I could support a party with such an odious platform. I've never really had a good answer, to be honest I always held out some weird hope of enacting change from within the party itself. I regularly write my congress-critters and I enjoyed cordial relations with both of my senators. I did so in the hope that maybe my example of holding conservative principles in many policy areas while eschewing "traditional" social views.
I continued on this dream despite years of scorn from other members of my party. Most outside the state would be quick to identify them as conservative reactionaries who want nothing more than to stockpile guns and Jesus but to me they were intelligent people who simply could not understand that what happens in another relationship is simply none of their business. Maybe, if I kept being open and honest with these people, I could bring about new horizons for them to explore.
Then the Texas GOP platform was released.
Of course, this is just one person but I can no longer remember a Republican something that would attract a sane person.