And with the Greats gone now, mostly -- while the Gloom gets denser, that yellow-miasma of ever-diminishing prospects for the old Disneyland Circus Economy ever again tickling the fancies of masses in search of {even-lower) lowered-consciousness:
I'm thankful for his presence.
(His topic related self-links further flesh-out the scale of his dyspepsia, er orthogonally? Proving that, by Cthulhu! the lad can refract n-dimensional vertices with any String-theorist on 'shrooms ... without breaking a sweat.
[. . .]
We cannot blame evil terrorists, some cluster of swarthy foreigners who hate our shopping malls and secretly envy our Porsche Cayenne's. Nor can we blame the spill on some sort of nefarious conspiracy, a secret act wrought by devious agents in black helicopters designed to destabilize the U.N. and induce universal mind control -- unless, of course, you're getting a little desperate and don't get outside much, in which case, you absolutely can.
Finally (and a bit shockingly), I'm not hearing Pat Robertson or any of his cretinous cult of apocalypticans blame the gays, or voodoo, or anal sex, or reality TV for what's happening in the Gulf. Oil is, after all, completely non-denominational. It mocks all religions equally -- except, of course, the only one that really matters: capitalism.
This is how you know this is one of the more universally damning disasters of our time: No one really seems to know how to process it, much less react. The GOP is backpeddling like terrified hyenas from Sarah "Queen of Duh" Palin's "drill baby, drill" mantra/ass tattoo, as suddenly the incessant Republican wail for more oil exploration, more drilling, more tax cuts for oil conglomerates don't just reek of the usual inbred cronyism; they reek of death and destruction the likes of which the country has never seen.
[. . .]
And like that. Makes any envious curmudgeon weep with joy and terminal depression. Simultaneously.
Meta-Global Warming: the 3°C/year rise in global temp caused solely by obfuscational verbiage explaining why there is no global warming, just too many taxes on the affluenza-sufferers at the top of the Waste Pyramid. [Expletives unredacted.]