Red Hat 7.2 on my MP3 playing [link||hacked iopener]. I'm up to 3400 songs so far and I'm still ripping my CDs(yep, they're all legit MP3s, imagine that RIAA!). The screensaver slideshow also serves as my digital photo album, about 500 photos of family/friends/places. It was a hit at my last party.

SuSE 7.3 on my triple booting Thinkpad T22(Win98 and OS/2[eCS]). I went with SuSE on the Thinkpad because it supports my wireless card that has OS/2 drivers, Red Hat does not. As an added bonus, SuSE still reads my OS/2 partitions, Red Hat no longer includes support for HPFS.

My main system only boots OS/2(eCS).