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New well they could have seized it
and the other multinationals would do what they did to Venezuela, get the fuck out and go elsewhere so the new US oil worker will have an M16 and get used to living in sandy places keeping the groilies in check
New Isn't that pretty much what we're already doing?
Only difference is we (the taxpyer, via the government) are the ones paying private security firms to keep a lid (loosely) on the sandy places.

     oil spill hits british pensions hard - (boxley) - (8)
         Boo hoo - (drook)
         Re: oil spill hits british pensions hard - (lincoln) - (2)
             Hey, it's half your company too. - (pwhysall) - (1)
                 Re: Hey, it's half your company too. - (lincoln)
         It is somewhat sad - (jay) - (2)
             well they could have seized it - (boxley) - (1)
                 Isn't that pretty much what we're already doing? - (drook)
         They can always sell their shares. - (static)

How very 1996.
96 ms