Post #32,765
3/19/02 3:42:14 PM

Ice Shelf Collapse
Antarctic ice shelf predicted, but much more rapidly than expected.
Post #32,774
3/19/02 5:19:40 PM

Wow, that's bigger than Rhode Island (~2700 sq km)!
"Never express yourself more clearly than you think." -- Neils Bohr (1885-1962)
Post #32,786
3/19/02 6:21:55 PM

Nothing to see here. Just a nature show. Move on..
UAV sales have just passed passenger car sales. Trent Lott has just scuttled even the feel-good pretense that we have any need to balance lethal-truck Corporate sales [The MOST profitable sales of All Corp sales, I noted].. with some cockamamie idea of "energy-saving". Nothing unMurican about Trent!
(Er, wherever the energy 'change to a more random form' occurs; entropy is as stern as an OT Troglodyte as regards the ultimate disorganized form: HEAT. 'Course we can hope that physics don't apply nohow, to homo-saps in denial.)
Well.. academics shall explore why the Arctic seems to have its own local hot flashes VS the average, but - the rest of us can just re-read Philip K. Dick's The Year of the Jackpot, wherein Statistician Potiphar Breen gets an inkling of an er massive convergence / divergence. He is shocked! but not surprised to realize, in the end - it was
Post #32,792
3/19/02 7:50:20 PM

A mere statistical aberration, you say?
"Never express yourself more clearly than you think." -- Neils Bohr (1885-1962)
Post #32,815
3/19/02 11:01:13 PM

that will chill a lot of beer.
Post #32,834
3/20/02 8:18:45 AM

So, how long before Pennsylvania has beachfront property?
Imric's Tips for Living- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Post #32,860
3/20/02 11:41:42 AM

Actually, melted ice that had been floating, does not
affect the water level. The ice that was on land is another story.
"Never express yourself more clearly than you think." -- Neils Bohr (1885-1962)
Post #32,861
3/20/02 11:49:13 AM

Melted ice that had been floating, does not
From the stories, it doesn't sound like any ice has (yet) entered the sea from the land.
Where each demon is slain, more hate is raised, yet hate unchecked also multiplies. - L. E. Modesitt
Post #32,875
3/20/02 12:59:39 PM

That's what I get for making a joke without thinking about it around here! *grin*
Imric's Tips for Living- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Post #32,888
3/20/02 2:17:03 PM

Speculation here
Although the Larsen B ice shelf was getting warmer, the interior seems to be getting colder. So perhaps the increasing coolness of the interior may produce stronger glaciation which might produce more pressure on the ice shelf which might push more ice into the sea to melt some more? Thus you might get beachfront land in Pennsylvania, after all.
Amateur climatologists-R-us