You think a slaver is going to respect the right to organize? The slaver here was refusing the most basic right of an employee - the right to quit and leave.

The only way that could possibly work is if there were universal union membership, which would have to be mandatory, and that's far more intrusive than what we have now.

One thing I notice in dealing with Libertarians is that often their proposed work-arounds are far more damaging to liberty than the government. Their basic blind spot, for the most part, is to see the government as the only threat to liberty. Which is kind of like being in the jungle and only worrying about tigers.

As for unions as a substitute for some regulations regarding worker's rights, hell yeah, where it works. But I kind of suspect a lot of people who fly the Libertarian flag now would not be happy about that.

I see myself as a small-l libertarian, my basic position being "get outta my face (and the other guy's face too)" but addressed to more than just the Feds. And willing to use the Feds, where appropriate, to get other entities outta my face.