What I am talking about are things that are 20-30 years old in design having a cost of about $400 to the device manufacturers, but the healthcare facilities are being charged $40,000 per device. Plus they then have a service contract of about $9-$11K per year... which is really just a swap out service now. Which the re-man'd device taking its place costs a total of $200 to R&R in China.

That is what I am talking about.

Also, what about Pharma, many have recently gone through and re-monitized their existing drugs and cranked up "miracle life saving" drug. A case I know about as a friend in Wisconsin had a son with a syndrome. (can't remember the name right off).

The syndrome has a known and well established one time injection that effectively cure the syndrome period. The drug has been in use since the 60s. It is effective and complete. Total cost for the one time injection 5 years ago was about $9200. What insurance company is going to say *no* to a proven and effective solution.

Well based on that thinking... I hope you see where i am going.

Two years later, his Daughter came up with the same thing. (Come to find out he had it when he was a kid also). They of course approved the injection. Total cost two years later? Over $27,000.

This was ONE Drug out of many they have done this to.

Sorry. I have no sympathies for the shit storm coming to them soon.