is ~< a mere 10^62.
However, in just an 11-dimensional construct [under-construction 'they' say] -- these data may prove meaningless / the End of all spreadsheets?
Perhaps, should we Actually Face the current Planetary Problems of the [Known and extremely-Likely] scale:
some form of Buddha-compassionate philosophy / Gaea-nourishing better-Science might supersede the boring mercantile marketing approach to *all* things in liff,
that Me-Me Affluenza mindset which Got US Here, to the ragged-edge of survivability:
Some angles in the above might give an intro to that which is perpetually absent in today's environment of inescapable Noise -- that silence from which authentic Thought may arise.
(Couldn't hoit.)
(Maybe begin from Mahler's Fifth. Then, turn that gear off and -- if it's quiet enough that you can hear your own heartbeat (in anechoic chambers, some have heard another's heartbeat, too) -- go within.)
Find a species-saving Out to this mess. Eh? Forget the Think Tank 'solutions' -- too many echoes in those and nary a one with originality..