I don't remember the whole set, but an early one shows the comparative sizes of the first four planets, plus Pluto, in quite good oblique rendering. Earth is obviously the biggest and a skilled orator can play that up, as the preacher at my church did on Sunday morning (but in a nice way).
The next picture shows all our planets.
The third adds our sun. I could hear a few noises of surprise from the congregation at the comparison.
The next show some well-known stars, Sirius, Pollux and Arcturus against which Sol is really quite small. The last showed Rigel, Aldebaran, Betelgeuse and Antares against which Sol is almost invisible. There were people in the same room as me who hadn't thought about this for a long time and may have never seen this answer.
Oh yes; I found the images. http://www.kiroastro...tings/perspective