But I'll digress for a bit.
True. most of the nice guys I know are married, and most of them are married to homely overweight ladies
Dude, you're not that pretty. You are (hmm, maybe a 4-6). Maybe less, who knows how good the pictures are that I've seen. What do you weigh? How tall are you? How old are you? How long can you run on the elliptical machine? How many minutes, hours, or days can you delay your own satisfaction to ensure your partner's? How much effort do you put into your own attractiveness?
What about repulsion factors? I hate the word, but it is a good opposite of attract. What things about yourself, that you can change, are you willing to? Are you willing to ask multiple people, and press, and get bad news, since it is unlikely you can see them yourself.
So maybe you want to determine where you fit on the attractiveness scale before insulting 90% of your possible physical match group.
Now, off to the main point.
because those are the ones who aren't confident they can land a real jerk.
Confidence is key, as pointed out in the article. It seems you don't have any. It seems you target people out of your range (if trying at all), expect to be shot down all the time, and I doubt you are very confident in the process.
And yes, I'm about 80% supportive of your argument. There ARE evolutionary pressures that push reproducing women in the direction you indicate. When they hit 40 or so, they are DONE. They have a new viewpoint. And those that have their own income, their own profession, and have been making their own decisions for years, are NOT falling for the assholes, at least most of them. But the vulnerable ones, the ones with financial problems, the broken ones, well, they are looking for someone to take care of them.
Stay away from them.
But the key fact remains a lot of people end up happy, at least for a while. And you seem to want what they have. And it hasn't been working for you. So maybe you should re-examine your attitude and your goals.