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New Some pithy replies, too
Pix are beautifully al punte.. Individual snaps, icons of the jillions of creatures in the entire feedback-operated Chain == 99.999% Out-of-Mind, amidst the distracrtons of our 24/7 consumption.
What a banal raison d'etre after all that evolution stuff, eh? When was the inflection --> devolution.

Human beings are the only organisms on Earth that do not adapt to their environment, but rather adapt our environment to ourselves. As long as we continue to follow these destructive tendencies, or behavior will come back back to bite us in the ass. That whole monologue Hugo Weaving had in "The Matrix" is correct, we are the cancer of this planet.
Posted by Danny P. May 27, 2010 12:04 AM

[. . .] [If there be a Gaia of whatever ineffable-11-dimensional form: We can Bet that SHE's PISSED. By now..]

I pray for our dying oceans caused by our materialist corporations that rape and plunder Gaia. I pray for all of the innocent sea and wildlife that will suffer and die from this mess. I pray for all people that will be affected by this..may our divine creator give us the wisdom and courage to expose and rise against tyranny and honour the divine within!!!....namaste gaia
Posted by LibertyBuddha May 26, 2010 10:09 PM

[. . .]

These photos made me cry inside. After surviving the levee failures after Katrina I've just been hiding my head in the sand. If the CEO et all of B.P. are not bankrupt and imprisoned for many years after this then I call upon all conservative, liberals, and libertarians to finally come together to hold them and all our politicians accountable. Anything less would be a travesty of justice.
The Supreme Court ruled that Corporations are equal to us individuals for elections. If that's the case then they should be equal to us when it comes to criminal justice. You or I would be paying for this for the rest of our lives. So should the CEO and Board of Directors.
Paul Harris
Author, "Diary From the Dome, Reflections on Fear and Privilege During Katrina"
Posted by Paul Harris May 27, 2010 02:23 AM

[. . .]

I could almost see voting for Palin in 2012 on the grounds that this sorry ratfucking excuse for a republic, this savage, smirking, predatory empire deserves her. Bring on the Rapture, motherfuckers!
-- via RC
New dany p is full of shiite
poor people all over the world adapt to the environment. Its the rich fuckers that terraform
New Sorry, they're not counted: can't pay the Census Tax.

I could almost see voting for Palin in 2012 on the grounds that this sorry ratfucking excuse for a republic, this savage, smirking, predatory empire deserves her. Bring on the Rapture, motherfuckers!
-- via RC
New Danny's never seen a termite mound
Those things adapt the environment like a motherfucker.

     Boston Globe: Big Picture of oil in GoM. - (Another Scott) - (9)
         I only know what I read last week - (drook)
         this sounds odd - (SpiceWare) - (3)
             So that can't take "unauthorized" ... - (folkert) - (2)
                 uh, yeah - (SpiceWare) - (1)
                     DF just posted a couple links about it - (SpiceWare)
         Some pithy replies, too - (Ashton) - (3)
             dany p is full of shiite - (boxley) - (1)
                 Sorry, they're not counted: can't pay the Census Tax. -NT - (Ashton)
             Danny's never seen a termite mound - (drook)

That's the kind of thing I enjoyed watching for hours on acid.
51 ms