Empower Texans and the Texas Association of Business today joined groups from across the state and political spectrum to weigh in on the state of our schools.
The Texas Association of Business's report (pdf) states that "our state faces a true Texas-sized crisis...that will destroy our good business climate, prosperity and growth if its goes ignored."
Empower Texans, a conservative political action group, reported that Texas taxpayers are "not getting our money's worth" in Texas' education system.
In his 2003 State of the State address, Perry proclaimed, "There is no greater cause than the education of our children - all of our children."
Texas Association of Business reports (pdf):
* "Only seven states have done a worse job than Texas in developing a well-educated young workforce, those workers who are farthest from retirement age." (p. 2)
* "Currently, at least one-third of Texas ninth graders drop out of school before earning a high school diploma." (p. 4)
* "Based on the current performance levels, more than 50 percent of Texas students will never acquire the level of skills needed to successfully function in a competitive, knowledge-based 21st century economy-- and are not ready to participate." (p. 4)
* "Even if Texas were performing at national best levels in getting students to graduate from high school, enroll in college and graduate from college, our stated 55 percent goal could not be attained." (p. 5)
* "All age groups in Texas are educated at lower levels than their peers nationally." (p. 7)
* "Texas' 25-34 year olds are the least educated group of Texans in two decades." (p. 8)
source: http://www.burntoran...system-is-failing