Along that line..
Was *shocked* to hear recently that the Chinese are trying to overwhelm US suppliers of catfish (!)
Locals are fighting back, though. Waiting for other shoe to drop.
Given their ingrained willingness to cheat wherever imaginable, I hope that soon ... 'origin' becomes mandatory on every item == thus Anything from China, especially if destined for one's stomach.
(Even worse: the re- reprocessed crap they sell US pet food mfgs. to make the 'sauce' in which many embed their low-bid versions of protein. I see no reason to expect that China will take much more care for human food and they killed lots of animals a couple years back; the melamine was just one which made it to the MSM..)
Another reason to buy Local, etc.
(And por moi: make own pet food, too. 'Cause Made in US is no guarantee about origins of certain categories they 'outsource'. More Corporate sleight-of-hand + way too-few FDA Inspectors; don't want no Big Government actually Inspecting corporate products in timely fashion.)
I predict we shall have to be much more personally vigilant next, as our near-bankruptcy 'justifies' cutbacks of even more oversight -- even in areas where it was always random and lax.
I could almost see voting for Palin in 2012 on the grounds that this sorry ratfucking excuse for a republic, this savage, smirking, predatory empire deserves her. Bring on the Rapture, motherfuckers!
-- via RC