Post #32,574
3/18/02 11:17:13 AM

I think BeeP must have ben kidding.
'Cause, if *I* can't see anything, there obviously can't *be* anything there to see!
(Whatchamean, "that's a bit of a self-centered attitude"?!? :-)
Honestly, the only reason I can see for BeeP to point out a perfectly ordinary picture of a perfectly ordinary room with a perfectly ordinary glass bowl on a perfectly ordinary table, with a perfectly ordinary bunch of plums (or grapes?) painted on it (the bowl, not the table), must be that it was funny they called that a .swf, not a .jpg or something.
But what do I know, maybe it *was* actually a one-frame Flash "animation"? (Why shouldn't that be possible? You can take still pictures with a video camera, right?) Or maybe someone had pushed the "Pause" button on it, or something...
Christian R. Conrad Of course, who am I to point fingers? I'm in the "Information Technology" business, prima facia evidence that there's bats in the bell tower. -- [link||Andrew Grygus]
Post #32,579
3/18/02 11:40:11 AM

Patience, grasshopper
You just have to look at it longer. Really. Don't think to yourself, "I can always do these sterogram things pretty quick, so if I haven't seen it yet there's nothing to see." It's there.
I can't be a Democrat because I like to spend the money I make. I can't be a Republican because I like to spend the money I make on drugs and whores.
Post #32,614
3/18/02 2:28:09 PM

How long?
I stared at it for 15 minutes. You guys are putting us on right? Or is all there is are those stupid pop-up crap to distract us?
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #32,626
3/18/02 3:03:50 PM

dear dear. is the oh pun forum...
did you have your sound on?
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #32,703
3/19/02 4:20:41 AM
3/19/02 4:23:59 AM

Yeah, I kind of suspected...
Da BeeP (how fitting!) asks: did you have your sound on? ...suspected that, from somebody's ( Wade? Ben? [Edit:] Drew, "headphones"!) remarks. No, as a matter of fact, I didn't (and don't); I usually keep the speaker muted on this machine. But the picture is still just a picture.
Christian R. Conrad Of course, who am I to point fingers? I'm in the "Information Technology" business, prima facia evidence that there's bats in the bell tower. -- [link||Andrew Grygus]

Edited by CRConrad
March 19, 2002, 04:23:59 AM EST
Post #32,756
3/19/02 3:01:52 PM

...then the reason this was posted in Oh Pun will not be apparent to you.
Sound is critical.
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #32,742
3/19/02 1:18:00 PM

yes I had the sound on
it was on 9, should I have had it on 10? The "Aaaaahhhh" was quite annoying.
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #32,758
3/19/02 3:05:25 PM

Methinks....'re missing the obvious.
This was placed in Oh Pun for a reason.
You've seen all and heard all there was to see and hear.
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #32,796
3/19/02 8:08:23 PM

But that is more of a prank than a joke?
Or am I missing something? Sort of like those peanut brittle cans that shoot snakes out of them?
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #32,781
3/19/02 5:41:50 PM

See below
B I N G O [!]
Post #32,646
3/18/02 5:25:05 PM

There ain't nothing there, grasshopper. Except for that totally unnecessary Flash thingamabob.
Same as all those "invisible until you stare at it enough" bullshit drawings. I haven't seen anything in any of them, and anyone who says there's something there is feeding me maryjane-laced tacos.
Where each demon is slain, more hate is raised, yet hate unchecked also multiplies. - L. E. Modesitt
Post #32,661
3/18/02 7:16:19 PM

See.. this is Why those "burning bushes" n'stuff ...
ever fail to convince.
Anyone left who welcomes "eye-witness" evidence.. at his *own* trial?
Post #32,665
3/18/02 7:30:35 PM

...its really there. Apparently Drew saw it. Orion too...except I don't think he got it.
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #32,671
3/18/02 7:54:01 PM

Yeah, BeeP - it's really discouraging when
ya gots to *EXPLAIN* a cheap, low-down, ordinary (but Good!) :-\ufffd
Practical Joke\ufffd.
Post #32,684
3/18/02 11:30:35 PM

I know I jumped. :-)
"All around me are nothing but fakes Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"
Post #32,738
3/19/02 12:25:03 PM

...pretty cheap, weren't it?
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson