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New Champagne socialist.
The Labour Party, of which she is so enamoured, have done more to widen the gulf between rich and poor in the UK than the Conservatives she so reviles.

Mind you, why she thinks that the privately-educated, unfeasibly rich Gordon Brown would have any more of clue about how "poor people" (as she patronisingly puts it) actually live than the privately educated, unfeasibly rich David Cameron is anyone's guess. Not that Cameron has any intention of replacing the welfare state with charity handouts, but hey ho.

Stick to writing shit-but-popular books, Rowling.
New heh, waiting for that shoe to drop
If we torture the data long enough, it will confess. (Ronald Coase, Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences, 1991)
New More to it than selecting bad politicians
We didn't revolt in order to escape an over-abundance of wonderful leaders, now did we? A big part of the Parliament and Prime Minister's jobs seems to be keeping the idea of old-school monarchy attractive.

The big point wasn't that she didn't switch political parties. Like the US, England is stuck between a far right party and an insanely far right party.

The big point is that she's choosing to stay a citizen and pay taxes.
Why, yes, I did give up something for lent. I gave up making sense.
New "poor people" (as she patronisingly puts it)
As I understand it, young Peter, she has a better firsthand experience of poverty than you have had. I'm accordingly disposed to let her allude to "poor people" without an imputation of condescension.

If I'm wrong—if your own background has acquainted you with more crushing depths of privation in the UK welfare state than Rowling once endured—why, then, I apologize lavishly for impugning your credentials to speak on behalf of the downtrodden. I still think that Rowlings' willingness to refuse the status of "Tax Exile on Main Street" is praiseworthy, and wish that more of our homegrown billionaires in North America were of like mind.

New You understand incorrectly.
New Re: You understand incorrectly.
Why then, apologies both lavish and humble are accordingly tendered.

     J.K. Rowling probably isn't voting Tory. - (Another Scott) - (8)
         Magnificent. -NT - (rcareaga)
         {sob} ... She's as wise as she is smart. Rara avis.. -NT - (Ashton)
         Champagne socialist. - (pwhysall) - (5)
             heh, waiting for that shoe to drop -NT - (boxley)
             More to it than selecting bad politicians - (mhuber)
             "poor people" (as she patronisingly puts it) - (rcareaga) - (2)
                 You understand incorrectly. -NT - (pwhysall) - (1)
                     Re: You understand incorrectly. - (rcareaga)

But if you're not fond of offal, they're prolly not good.
56 ms