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New Re: What were you trying to post?
I was trying to post something about the revolt in Kyrgyztan to politics but the post was eaten when the error hit. I don't have a copy of it.

New Sometimes characters in long URLs cause that.
I've had a couple of posts eaten that way when (IIRC) I tried to include a URL with too many/the wrong non-alphanumeric characters. I always tell myself to use a separate editor, or at least "Ctrl-A, Ctrl-Ins" before hitting the Post button, but I quite often forget.

Hitting the Forward or Back buttons on some of my keyboards while composing a post is another way to wipe it out. That doesn't cause an error, though.

HTH a little.

New More likely issue
Broken tags within a [blockquote] tag cause that. For instance


     Posting Error - (jay) - (4)
         What were you trying to post? -NT - (malraux) - (3)
             Re: What were you trying to post? - (jay) - (2)
                 Sometimes characters in long URLs cause that. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                     More likely issue - (drook)

And if I'm just going for effect, I might as well wear a tie. And pants.
33 ms