I'm waiting to see what the next MBPs look like, and in the meantime putting a shopping list together for a pair of possible Hackintoshes (J has a dual G5 Mac Pro that's getting a little long-in-tooth, and I'm strongly considering taking the plunge). At the moment, I'm using this as a template - http://www.tonymacx8...f19cca636ce#p8722
Apparently 10.6.2 works very well with Gigabyte UD2 boards. There are still some teething issues with 10.6.3 on some Hackintosh machines, apparently - http://tonymacx86.bl...63-aftermath.html
But I haven't decided anything yet, and if it's like most of my major purchases, it's going to be a while (unless I win the lottery).
(Who hopes his laptops hold together for a while as he doesn't expect the new MBPs to be groundbreaking. And who realizes that Hackintoshes are something you frown upon.)