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New Was on my way to post this...
...and somehow, I'm not surprised.

Intel and M$ have outgrown each other. Both of them need each other, but they don't NEED each other, if you know what I mean. Actually, IMO, Intel needs Microsoft more than Microsoft needs Intel. Intel's processors suck monkey nads (okay, I could be a little more technical about it, but hey, we know what I mean, right?) and Microsoft is really the only "big" thing going for them. The Linux market from what I've seen is a lot more willing to head for "alternative" platforms - like AMD or even PPC if they can get them.

Microsoft, OTOH, is transitioning to a platform-neutral approach - .NET. In fact, if by doing this transition, they can lock all future PCs into HAVING to use Windows, and not being "refittable" for Linux, this gives them a lot of lockdown ability.

What if the next version of Windows only ran on a .NET enabled processor?

What if Microsoft started releasing a "Business-class" X-Box?

See where I'm going with this? Overnight, the cost of an Intel/AMD box would probably double. There's a lot of market, and the economies of scale are what drive the prices down.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
New Yeah, I've been telling people for a year now . .
. . that Microsoft was going to take the hardware in consumer markets. It's not even going to be hard, because nobody will offer any resistance. These are the "end times" for the PC industry. Game over.

The tombstone will list manufacturers, chipmakers, software publishers and users alike, all under the heading "Had No Balls".

New So my modest e-Machine can join the Otrona
on the discard pile outside, as the Home Security Police monitor my emptying of my former home location, enroute to Dissident Reeducation Camp somewhere in Montana?

Well.. maybe they'll let me bring along my copy of The Gulag Archipelago (if you can read at all, in those cattle cars). I hear there's a Walmart there, where you can spend the 6\ufffd/day earned in Arbeit Macht Frei, the work therapy program, between 5am and 7pm...

Do we finally see? Nuke from orbit - Was the only viable preventive mechanism; we missed the chance..

Ashton Ivan Denisovich
New dont forget the dime to smoke with yer ciggies
meet you in the sickbay potty in one hand, keys to the meds cabinet in the other,
The Bill of Rights, Void where prohibited.
     MS wants the whole pie. Intel and AMD need not apply. - (Another Scott) - (4)
         Was on my way to post this... - (inthane-chan) - (3)
             Yeah, I've been telling people for a year now . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
                 So my modest e-Machine can join the Otrona - (Ashton) - (1)
                     dont forget the dime to smoke with yer ciggies - (boxley)

When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.
34 ms