Transfixing, as every unrelenting horror
especially as narrated so brilliantly, no exaggeration needed (or possible.)
Labash shames the horror-for-$$ cgi Action Flic maestros into their deserved perspective as panderers to legions of narcissists. Those seeking a few vicarious moments of ersatz-thrills couldn't handle tagging along for one hour in these tales.
Strange planet; the better reported the uglier seem the inhabitants -- who only recently ceased selling each other (well, except for the sex-slaves: I gather that trade is rising, as the more affluent can purchase even more. For less.)
I stopped reading a few times.. but had to come back almost immediately, as each subsequent micro-story in a sentence or three is just a prelude --
ÂYou should be ashamed of yourselves. Look at him. HeÂs covered in blood. They said, ÂYou think thatÂs his blood? ThatÂs our blood!Â
(When one ponders the thousands with net worths of (1 to n) Gigabucks and the now millions with 98% 'disposable income' (after having deducted an ordinary person's entire living costs -- from petty cash) then the real Promise of vulture-capitalism is revealed: that sanctioned permission to entirely tune-out the fate of all others / simultaneously feel smug (even sanctimonious) about
having 'earned!' the privilege of complete disengagement of everything but Me-Me.)
I kept seeing those US helicopters in Iraq, carrying pallet-loads of
baled-Franklins to distribute in a flash-while -hovering / no receipts needed nor asked, as the bales were tossed into expendable one-use-then-abandoned pickup trucks -- to the mercenaries spending-down that cash stash amassed pre-Cheney Shogunate; Bills Due that will land on our descendants (if there are any.. in the long haul.) Lessee: One $100 bill == a day's income for 100.
Words fail, but not those of Labash and the others.
Clearly my cat eats better than some hideous% of these long-tuned-out brown people, for a couple centuries now. Tuned out by the Fat Cats nearby and far, including the major exploiters, those premeditated facilitators of their perpetual poverty. Affluenza begins to take its toll, in US and elsewhere, while the entire Haiti fiasco will need some time to marinate in these grey-cells.
(I could at least double cat-food costs, were there a way to get funds directly to this rara avis Christ-like Christian. )
Want the macabre?
Want nausea too? -- imagine the numbers of Libertytarians and other social Darwinists applauding this puling tadpole's calculated hubris.
This-all won't even be news following the truss ads, in a few weeks; we now dwell in a sea of Noise, much of that vying for some cipher's 15 Minutes of Infamy. Soon all that will come through will be that week's ad jingle. If there are lessons in this narrative, who's listening?
s/United Asylums/United Nations.