Check out Obama's address this week - "The Immediate Benefits of Health Reform"
http://www.whitehous...its-health-reform (4:25 video).
(The Transcript link apparently isn't live yet.)
(Hang in there, folks.)
Oh, and if you're skeptical about what the HCR bill will do.
Check out Obama's address this week - "The Immediate Benefits of Health Reform"
http://www.whitehous...its-health-reform (4:25 video). (The Transcript link apparently isn't live yet.) Cheers, Scott. (Hang in there, folks.) |
we KNOW what the bill will do
raise rates for all of us and impose a tax for some and block any meaningful reform
thanx, bill If we torture the data long enough, it will confess. (Ronald Coase, Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences, 1991)