But it looks like more testimonial that the Civil War (er, the First one, but maybe also the Present beginning one)
was a Huge Mistake. We shoulda let the crackers secede.
By now they'd be the local teaching-lab: for getting Muricans prepared for the adjustment to Full Banana Republic folkways and mores (to complement the bankruptcy when it is formally declared.)
I mean, I mean:
ain't that darkest hued-territory ~~ an almost exact overlay on the Slave (and slavering) States du that jour, going right up to the borders!?
(noticing for the later 'Nevada' ... and especially Las Vegas' county: the modern concentration point for CDO operators, bankers and those occasional amateur-gamblers/voyeurs/suckers.)
(No wonder that photo-essay of Walmart Shoppers, some months back, was in da Souf == avoirdupois rhymes with I-slept-with-my-pa, maybe?)
Gahhhh.. as they say.