A bitter pill, indeed.
N.Y.: Wall Street bonuses surge to $20.3 billion
Industry paid 17 percent more in Â09; official calls bonuses a Âbitter pillÂ
" "But for most Americans, these huge bonuses are a bitter pill and hard to comprehend. ... Taxpayers bailed them out, and now they're back making money while many New York families are still struggling to make ends meet."
The reason for the surge in bonuses was simple: Wall Street firms had a great year. "
"Critics of Wall Street pay said the fact that bonuses are rising even as consumers grow more despondent reflects a growing class divide in the wake of the recession.
"It's exposing a deep rift in American society," said Chuck Collins, a senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies, a liberal Washington think tank. "This isn't the rising tide lifting all boats. This is the rising tide lifting a few yachts, while other people's boats sink further underwater." "
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