Re: Buy an Intel NIC.
Hmmm, I have an Intel Motherboard, so that sounds promising. They didn't have an Intel PCI Network card at Office Max, but maybe we can find one if we look around or get one off the Internet.
Thanks for the advice, Folkert, and I don't think you are being sarcastic or retentive. I like the Intel brand.
I have a D-link Router, which was why we bought the corresponding D-link card in the first place.
BTW I read the post about you trying out for the job at ANL, John worked at LANL three summers and a full year, and his parents (and 1 of his step parents) worked there too. I wish you luck with whatever you decide.
When asking God for a break, be sure to specify what KIND you want!

Edited by
Feb. 9, 2010, 09:18:12 PM EST
Re: Buy an Intel NIC.
Hmmm, I have an Intel Motherboard, so that sounds promising. They didn't have an Intel PCI Network card at Office Max, but maybe we can find one if we look around or get one off the Internet.
Thanks for the advice, Folkert, and I don't think you are being sarcastic or retentive. I like Intel brands.
BTW I read the post about you trying out for the job at ANL, John worked at LANL three summers and a full year, and his parents (and 1 of his step parents) worked there too. I wish you luck with whatever you decide.
When asking God for a break, be sure to specify what KIND you want!