I'm Dreamin of a White Valentine's Day..
This is all fun to experience. Vicariously.
Glad the electrons returned before you had to chop up Aunt Maude's sideboard, though a roaring fire in the living room also makes for a romantically snug retreat. (Best: if you have a fireplace.)
Rain here, filling up the ground water nicely. Discovered more of WeatherUnderground's clever features -- showing a Station only a few blocks away!
Found that my retro barometer (a '50s Airguide via eBay) had -indeed- a hole with a screw-head beneath / unlabeled, of course.
Prompted me to disassemble, clean glass and blow out the aneroid gearing of years of cruft:
Calibrated barometer via minute-minute data and noted that it tracked pretty well, within ±0.02" across recent range, with just a bit of a tap to kill the hysteresis of the gearing. Amazing accuracy for such a device; of course it makes more sense as %-full-scale of ~~ 320º; too lazy to count the marks.
(An exercise in mensuration for a frosh class; this sucker makes 1/1500 precision. Who'da thunk?)
Fun to watch the precipitation rate in-real-time correspond to what eyeballs guesstimate.
The Web ... extending our sensory tentacles from the sublime to the ridiculous --
Science.. it just Works.
Stay snug, well at least to ~ 1:1500 Microsnuggies