. . a small crack in the retina of the other eye. It went like this:
Dr. Chew: "OK, we can do surgery which is guaranteed to work at about US $5000 but the eye will never be quite the same, or we can try a bubble which is $2000 and has a probability of 70%, and if doesn't work we can still do surgery. The bubble I can do right now, surgery next week".
Me: "OK, let's try the bubble".
Dr. Chew: "OK, look down to the left, I'm going to inject a little anesthetic and do a freeze to create a scar that'll anchor this thing".
Dr. Chew: "OK, now look straight ahead and do not move your eye. I'm going to stick a needle in your eye and drain some fluid. It'll take a minute or so".
Me: "Ummm . . . OK".
Dr. Chew: "Good. Now look straight ahead and do not move your eye. I'm going to stick another needle in your eye and inject some gas".
Me: "Ummmm . . . OK".
Dr. Chew: "OK, lets have a look. Oh! that's a really nice bubble! This is going to work!"
Dr. Chew: "Do you have some dark glasses? Good. Pay at the door. Come back and see me in 10 days".
The bubble worked spectacularly, sight started coming back within minutes.
A few weeks later he hit the crack in the other eye with a laser. Man! What a light show - and noisy! I was totally blind in that eye for several minutes, then sight started to slowly return.
No retina problems in either eye since. Hope it works out well for you too.