(Proving somewhat that, 'autism' is very-likely a feature! masquerading as a bug (?)
I have no solutions for revealing Intent, and the core of the problem of sabotage is: Technology.
Always it is far- far- Simpler to disable/confound or destroy any 'machine' (homo-sap mental construct of a plan or physical device) than to create the complex one-off gadget.
n! Rulez all these pipe-dreams.
MTBF gives a clue to the gross consequences, in a physical machine.
Methinks that Insanely-Great Plans also need a MTBF #.
And while assembling pipe dreams, the pseudo-science of 'psychology' needs to get some bids out for a method or two of ID-ing persons -- candidates for any position of great Power -- who are apt to resemble the plot, ingredients and er, near-fatal synergies of the Cheney Shogunate:
1) An anti-intellectual individual, repeatedly assessed as being "the most uncurious person I've ever met".
One such whose walking-swagger is matched by congruent mental processes / the stubbornness of callow youth + a mind to match. Shake n'bake with a sidekick --
2) Able to reliably manipulate a vain swaggerer via flattery and plain old tested Göbbelsian propaganda techniques -- after initially parlaying a position of "finding a Veep" (in this case) into just cutting-out 300M middle-men and naming self. The micro-Cheney, base unit of anti-Modesty, forevermore.
And like that. We gots all that hindsight; yet the next charlatan or charlatan-pair shall have morphed beyond the above simple case of the naif successfully seduced by his Iago. Similar situation with the next bomber creature: how does one do an attitude inventory on a potential> even probable sociopath/psychotic??
Beats me. Welcome to Chaos Critter Selection 101 / the 21st Century's least understood non-process. But all the rest is ... just talk.