Here in this proclaimed new "age of terrorism," we act as if the clock began ticking on Sept. 11, 2001. In truth we've been dealing with this stuff for decades. Not only in the 1980s, but throughout the '60s and '70s as well. Acts of piracy and sabotage are far fewer today.
Imagine the Karachi attack happening tomorrow. Imagine TWA 847 happening tomorrow. Imagine six successful terror attacks against commercial aviation in a five-year span. The airline industry would be paralyzed, the populace frozen in abject fear. It would be a catastrophe of epic proportion  of wall-to-wall coverage and, dare I suggest, the summary surrender of important civil liberties.
What is it about us, as a nation, that has made us so unable to remember, and unable to cope?
Then throw in the corruption, "finance" run by ex-Vegas dealers and Ponzi artists, the SCOTUS and ... what was that name for an unbreakable alliance between govt. and industry? fascilism or something.
Canada beckons ... at least you don't have to fly to get there. And it doesn't seem to be (excessively) populated with mewling infants. Also, they speak authentic English, or French, as the case may be.