A win/lose issue.

If we are fighting a few idiots who kill more of the people they claim to fight for than their supposed enemy (i.e. us) with the rest of the world watching our back, we win.

If we fight Islam, we fight a billion people with the rest of the world cheering them on. We lose. I don't care how spiffy our guns or how happy Jehovah is, we lose.

When JFK was running for President, people asked whether he was loyal to the Pope or to the country. I'm asking if Trijicon is more loyal to it's dead leader's imam or to the country. If I were a shareholder, I'd be mighty pissed that they'd risk that sweet contract.

But really, they are missing the boat by not including PS137:9


PS137:9 (refers to Babylon, aka Iraq) "How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones Against the rock."