The chief problem is the flouting behavior of the MDs. When the last batch of antibiotics were put in circulation, it was publicly and privately (through the continuing ed programs) stressed that these drugs were only for use as a last resort. Not 6 months later, they topped the list of subscribed medications.
It sounds like Norway has finally put a pricetag on that behavior:
If I treated someone with an infection in Spain with this penicillin, I would probably be thrown in jail
He may have spoken in jest, but it is probably not far off the mark (e.g. revocation of prescription privileges).
Of course, implementing something like this will take varying degrees of political courage depending on where you live. I'd say making these changes stands a good chance on the Continent. Most have single payer systems, MRSA is a hot topic with ill advised reactions already having made the news, and the public is growing ever wearier of Big Pharma's corruption. Going by the meek reaction of the CDC, there's still a lot of work to do here....