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New I've used PayPal
mostly for electronic trading on eBay. Am aware of the possibilities for grief - which is why I rely upon the buyer/seller's feedback rating, the immediacy and tone of e-mail exchanges, etc. I don't Have to complete a deal I find fishy in any way. A couple I've aborted.

So far so good. I haven't been ripped-off yet, in >100 transactions over the years. YMMV.

The alternative (re eBay anyway) is to use one of their captive services, BidPoint or some such. But PP was first. I deem eBay as going the way of Billy (with whom they are in bed) et al.. terminal greed + ever-increasing toy frills: which are rendering the site more and more cluttered with gew-gaws. They are also very hard to contact by phone; a litmus for future skullduggery IMhO. I expect I'll peddle quite fewer scopes, etc. in future. Life too short..

I'd guess that one's paranoia about PP can be mollified by: minimizing any chances that the buyer/seller might suffer buyer's remorse or other I am not responsible for my actions adolescent behavior. A way too high or low price is an indication of such possibilities.

New I agree...
And I use Paypal for accepting payments myself! Never had a problem, either. Of course, I don't do the volume of business the article mentions (my faith in humanity would be further eroded if I did! - hee hee...)
[link|http://panhandler.refers.to|Got a Dollar]?

[link|http://cluex4.refers.to|Buy a Clue]!
New Hey Panhandler
er Im...

How's come ya sent back my Goodwill donation?
WTF.. *anyone* can spare a buck.. (less'n they be a Repub of course - those guys Need Every $ in that Bilious-Green Parachute, natch.. it's their entire tawdry *Life*)

Occasionally I burn a bill.. to remind me what flufff and illusion is - in concrete form. Helps. The flame..clears the head.
New Hmmm. Must be too much Thunderbird..
I don't remember giving anything back...

(Maybe it was Imric being over-sensitive about how close he was to needing handouts to survive, this time?)
[link|http://panhandler.refers.to|Got a Dollar]?

[link|http://cluex4.refers.to|Buy a Clue]!
New Big scam
many of the scam artists make multiple accounts. One is their rip-off account and the other is their big account that gets good ratings from tons of other accounts that they created so they could bid on their own auctions and drive the price up. Then when you see their account has a lot of postive ratings, they go for the "big score" with items that seem to good to be true. Then that is how they get people like you into buying their stuff and them taking your money and not giving you anything. Be aware of PO Box addresses disguised as Apartments or Suites, etc. Usually they get a PO Box and try to make it look like a real address. If you call them number and it is disconnected, it is a good sign that it is a scam and they changed their phone number.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
New 'People like me' - have records of 0-scams to date,
for reasons mentioned. There is a lot of inferential information within the 'feedback' comments (which also have pointers) and there are other ways of dealing with any suspicious aspects.

What you are generalizing doesn't quite compute: there is only One person per account per 'feedback rating'; spend x-years building up "no negatives" and spend it all in an orgy of not-shipping ?? [you might get to 3 or 4 before someone blew whistle to eBay]. BTW - there is 'insurance' IIRC for up to $250, from eBay for any such event. You can bet that after paying that - they will do some tracking down. Bad for bizness otherwise, even if it costs them $1K to nail one.

Nope, dunno what you're talking about. I'm sure there are the occasional short-lived scams; also sure enough that however vigilant, you cannot remove all risk. I'll settle for 100% no-scam thus far, over ~4 yrs.

(I also believe that 'test equipment' is a category which is least likely to produce either the gullibility or the cupidity it takes, to get burned via unrealistic expectations. Fuzzy bears and collectible bird shit might give other results. So YMMV)

     Warning about Paypal? - (nking) - (10)
         Not sure how to take your question... - (Mike) - (2)
             What I meant - (orion) - (1)
                 Oh sorry - (Mike)
         Self-explanatory? - (scoenye) - (6)
             I've used PayPal - (Ashton) - (5)
                 I agree... - (Panhandler Joe) - (2)
                     Hey Panhandler - (Ashton) - (1)
                         Hmmm. Must be too much Thunderbird.. - (Panhandler Joe)
                 Big scam - (orion) - (1)
                     'People like me' - have records of 0-scams to date, - (Ashton)

Curse this game.
82 ms