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New Politics or Religion? - Properly both.
Over on Nick Petrele's fundy off-the-right-edge-of-the-world-(which is flat)-site this U.S. Army study is being roundly condemned.

One rabid detractor is right, it's heavy going, but I think it's quite worthwhile and deserving of wide distribution.


Strategic Implications of American Millennialism
New Damn. Just the abstract is great
Leave it to a military guy to cut through the political and academic baffelgab to get to the heart of the matter. Reading between the lines, he's saying: "Look, this is what people are actually thinking when they say some of the shit they say in public. You've got to understand that to understand why creating the tactics to achieve their stated goals isn't enough for them."

New I'm with you.
Almost makes me feel unworthy to read it.
New three things missing from the paper
Increasing of millenianists in command positions within the US armed forces

shiite revivalists expecting the Mahdi at any minute

Israeli fringe groups demanding the building of the third temple now when any decent Rebbi will tell Jews to stay the fuck off of temple mount in case they accidentally defile it and wait for the big guy to build it itself.

Problem is that Americans of that nature have nukes, the Iranians are damn close to getting nukes and who knows if the Israeli settlers ever get in position to get the codes what the fuck could happen making it all a self fulfilling prophesy with the russians and chinese freaking out on the sidelines at the madness unfolding in front of them.

This has Putin slouching towards stalin, Jintao towards american capitalism at the point of a gun and the Indians glaring nervously at Pakistanis who are ignoring an islamic revolution at their backs while glaring back at the Indians.

That leaves the hegemonic areas nervous as hell and sliding into militaristic socialism and arming themselves to the teeth.

Interesting times indeed.
New I do not consider these omissions a flaw.
They would only serve to muddy the waters. This is an analysis of a single dominant issue directly affecting US politics and policies.

The other items you mention are peripheral to this issue when looking at its influence on US foreign policy.

     Politics or Religion? - Properly both. - (Andrew Grygus) - (4)
         Damn. Just the abstract is great - (drook) - (1)
             I'm with you. - (folkert)
         three things missing from the paper - (boxley) - (1)
             I do not consider these omissions a flaw. - (Andrew Grygus)

32 ms