Total browser experience
The poor bastards.
If I was to code this, I'd need to:
In the browser open a window.
In the window retrieve about 100K of data from the web server.
Display the data, a line at a time, in a fixed width font.
The window must be scrollable, both vertical and horizontal,
the data lines can be 1K wide.
The data lines would be obviously fixed len data.
Draw a column ruler across the top.
When scrolling, keep the ruler on the top, and allow
it to scroll left/right with the data.
Draw a "next" button.
Set the column ruler to be sensitive to mouse clicks.
When the user clicks, draw a vertical line down the text
if there is not one there.
If not, erase it.
Allow for the possibility of dragging the ruler.
When the person clicks next, draw a bunch of text boxes
over the columns that have been defined. Each of the text
boxes should allow both free form text entry or choosing
from a drop down list of typical field names (name, address,
When the user hits the Next button, the information that
the applet determined (field offsets, field names) need
to be transmitted back to the web server.
The webserver is a PHP/Apache on Centos Linux.
Ok - Any takers?
Who here would like this project, and how much
would you charge me?