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New Fahrenheit 451
[link|http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0345342968/qid=1015946006/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_1/002-4077293-2871236|It was a book, a very good one] one of those books about the Future where Firemen started fires instead of putting them out. Fahrenheit 451 was the temp at which paper burned. Guy Montag was the hero of the book, right?

"Will work for fair salary and benefits, seeking company with integrity."
Collapse Edited by nking March 12, 2002, 10:11:28 AM EST
Fahrenheit. 451
It was a book, a very good one one of those books about the Future where Firemen started fires instead of putting them out. Fahrenheit 451 was the temp at which paper burned. Guy Montag was the hero of the book, right?

"Will work for fair salary and benefits, seeking company with integrity."
New Hmm, you seem to know quite a bit about that book, Mr. King.
Have you been read?

Don't you know that such subversive literature (portrays the government as totalitarian) is ILLEGAL!!!!!

Remember children, if you turn in your friends or parents for subversive reading, you'll get a cookie at school.

I <heart> the Thought Police!

Step back a bit, Norm. This gasoline might splatter a bit. (fwoosh!)
New In 2002: Just be damn sure not to download any pictures of
Naked Statues..

Especially ones with such subversive themes as say, Justice.

And if you want to whistle those dirty songs.. best take a cue from the Singing Patriotic Attorney General ... and be sure those songs aren't sending secret messages to that there

Eevul Axis\ufffd

(You'll have to prove that, of course.. in that undisclosed location and to those unnamed Guardians of Your Home Security, who wear those colorful brown shirts. With epaulets.)

Me? I think I'll just keep it to Liebestodt and other great Dickie Wagner hits to play, while societies self-combust via terminal pewling-fearfulness of each other.

..but we'll always have Paris.
New I read it back in Jr. High school
It was a reading assignment. Blame the school district if you wish. It was either that or "1984", at the time.

"Will work for fair salary and benefits, seeking company with integrity."
New Yabut.. did it you Learn anything from that 'assignment' ??
or was it just another Sci-Fi, video-game, tic-tac-toe escape from thought, for another few hours..?

WTF was Bradbury trying to say ?
New trying?? to say?
I think he did more than try.

The man can be extremely subtle at times. When he wrote that wasn't one of those times.
United we stand

Divided we dominate the planet without really trying
New Question was for
Norman, who referred to some 'reading assignment' - so unclear whether he's actually read it, or just skimmed to pass some test. The "trying to say" is just the normal cop-out.. for cases when someone didn't grok to fulness.. y'know? (Better than, I cannot live with this shame ;-)

Yeah, Ray B. is pretty hard not to get.. but some didn't get Uncle Tom's Cabin.

What's surprising (to me anyway) is for F-451 to have now become relevant so soon.. what with the Ashcroftian Era gathering momentum -

'Millennium' Patriot Act.
Habeas corpus suspended.
Wholesale snooping now codified.
SCSSA-wtf it gets called...
CIA, NSA can work At Home now.
A Veep - hiding in subterranean caverns.
A Pres - inarticulate even w/ teleprompter.
Repeal of many important treaties - by fiat / sans discusssion.
And now: supply your reading list on demand.

What's warming up in the wings?

And thus far - the sheep safe-ly graze.



Thanks Ray Bradbury! - for another symbol of triumph over the ever-waiting power-obsessed: the Living Book. It was about love.
New I listened to Bill Cosby
he said "If you are not careful you may learn something" from his "Cosby Kids/ Fat Albert" shows. So I was careful and I didn't learn anything from it. I went back to playing Pac-Man and Space Invaders after reading it. Then I played Laser Blast and got a million points and turned the numbers into exclimation points! :)

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
     And just what have YOU been reading? - (SpiceWare) - (18)
         Uh-oh - (tjsinclair)
         I'm innocent, officer! - (wharris2)
         Big Brother John! - (nking)
         It's an Ashcroft thing? I'm sure to be arrested. - (Meerkat)
         When you outlaw books.... - (Brandioch) - (9)
             Fahrenheit. At 451F, paper burns. -NT - (mmoffitt) - (8)
                 Fahrenheit 451 - (nking) - (7)
                     Hmm, you seem to know quite a bit about that book, Mr. King. - (Brandioch) - (6)
                         In 2002: Just be damn sure not to download any pictures of - (Ashton)
                         I read it back in Jr. High school - (nking) - (4)
                             Yabut.. did it you Learn anything from that 'assignment' ?? - (Ashton) - (3)
                                 trying?? to say? - (mhuber) - (1)
                                     Question was for - (Ashton)
                                 I listened to Bill Cosby - (orion)
         Just to play devil's advocate - (ben_tilly) - (3)
             I think it's more the symbolism.. and the trend towards more -NT - (Ashton) - (2)
                 The sky is falling, the sky is falling! - (Arkadiy) - (1)
                     Sky's fine - it's just local homo-sap running amok. Again. -NT - (Ashton)

Heh -- yeah, I'm well known here for my anarcho-libertarian preference.
57 ms