The simple home VS store setting is asked when you first turn on the set, which then defaults the various settings for the environment. So that's taken care off.

There are a few preset modes, such as "TV", "MOVIE", etc. They have an effect, but I haven't played enough to tell if I care either way.

The link to pointed at certainly looks interesting. I might pick it up.

There is a next level calibration that I can hire someone to come out for $200 and do it. I've heard testimonials but I really don't care. They have 2 TVs in the store as a comparison, and I agree the calibrated tv looks slightly better, but for all I know the non-calibrated TV could be set to shit for a good comparison.

In the old days, with 3 gun projectors, or various electromechanic focusing devices, I could easily see calibrating being a huge benefit.

But with LCD or plasma? Nah.