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New One for Ashton and Rand

Of course, I quickly came to realize that Boulder and Sedona and Big Sur had long ago lost whatever lock they once may have had on the market for mystically rationalized narcissistic personality disorders. Such spiritual-but-not-religious not-really-New-Age notions and nostrums had been packaged, marketed and widely exported, such that -- thanks to middleware mediums such as Hay House, The Secret, and The Oprah Winfrey Show --- they now constitute many of the unexamined "core values" of middle-class, middle-of-the-road America: a.k.a. the Mystic Bourgeoisie.

New ¡Muy interesante, amigo..!
Will get back to you after some digestion of this Magnum Opus (hey, it's Rage Boy incognito, yet again.)

Sounds as if he means to one-up Mr. G(urdjieff) and his intentionally obscure,

All and Everything, 1000+ pp written in a matter of several days, on sustenance(!) of nothing but Armagnac.
New Nice
As a massage therapist, I get exposed to this stuff far too much.

Leave it to me to take up one of the few professions where a reasonably operational BS detector is a liability. And where men face heavy discrimination.

I'm skipping a business class this morning of the link. I just couldn't face the BS.

Oh, yea, and then this:
"(btw, Tarcher was married to Shari Lewis, so it's possible that the ontological devolution we've been exploring here, lo these many years now, was a plot hatched by Lambchop."

When I was little, Lambchop scared the hell out of me. I'm talking really little, but also actual screaming running and hiding terror. Have an aunt not much older than me with a hand puppet, and she didn't help. Since then, she's become a very dear relative (I think the turnaround was when she taught me how to open a screen door with my foot while riding a bike) but at the time... So maybe I was right, maybe Lambchop was EEEVUL!

     One for Ashton and Rand - (drook) - (2)
         ¡Muy interesante, amigo..! - (Ashton)
         Nice - (mhuber)

Mother Hubbard got me covered, like Sarah Lee on her cherry pie.
29 ms