The GF is a nurse.
The state just introduced 5-20 minutes of paperwork per day per resident that she has. It concerns interviewing for pain, medicating for pain, judging the result, documenting the results, justifying the result.
This seems to make sense. Obviously, they are worried about the old folks in pain. They want to know what works and who's paying attention. it's just a little bit effort, right?
She has between 18 and 22 residents. She is already very busy. Do the math of the additional time required. Start multiplying the cost of this piece of paper (or computer entry) per resident. Do you think management takes into account each of these additional pieces of paper when determining how to staff? Don't forget to multiply by all residents in all the homes in the state when determining extra hours. Yeah right.
Now add each of these pieces of papers that someone else thought was a good idea, without understanding the cost.