Yes and no
I can guarantee that every item on there is, and has been, justified by a bean counter somewhere.
The funny part is that probably 1 in 100 will never pay anywhere close to that amount. Most insurance companies negotiate costs, so that a $30,000 charge becomes a $3,000 charge. (Yep, a 10-1 reduction)
Say that's 70% of the people treated. Of the 30% remaining, more than half are broke / can't pay. (They then write off the $30,000 as a business loss.) Another nearly half has some money, so they get some return on it, but they still write off the rest.
Oh, and I forgot the ones who died. They have to collect from the estate of the deceased (if they didn't have insurance). You can be pretty wealthy (at least in Florida) but if you die, lots of stuff gets transferred over before it ever enters probate. (Houses, cars, etc.) Only at the probate level do they get even a chance at any cash.