There are BAD teams this year. I don't know about the "Tomlin Effect" I would hope the ownership of the other teams are smart enough to not compare themselves to the Rooney org for talent evaluation...thats a losing proposition every time.
Oakland is EXPECTED. Completely dysfunctional at their best, now they have a coach that broke an assistant's jaw, a bad choice at QB with no running support...just bad. Still, they have 2 shots at KC...they'll win one.
Buffalo should be better...but they aren't. They have good skill players.
Cleveland gave away all their skill players in the hopes they can draft next year. Sounds like they might even trade their best QB prospect. I'm not sure why they thought Mangini could coach. Still, they'll get one if they manage to play the same level of game they played against Cinci a couple of weeks back. At times, they look like they can play.
St Louis...they might be the one. They really are that bad.