as you print more money, the value of the dollar falls rinse recycle repeat no inflation to be seen.
how did that work out for weimar, mexico, zimbabwe, of course those examples arnt america, we are different. How?
![]() as you print more money, the value of the dollar falls rinse recycle repeat no inflation to be seen.
how did that work out for weimar, mexico, zimbabwe, of course those examples arnt america, we are different. How? |
![]() Most of the dollars the Treasury and the Fed have "printed" aren't in circulation - they're contributing to bank reserves to (try to) make them (appear) solvent. As such, they have zero impact on inflation.
PK from May - http://www.nytimes.c...on/29krugman.html Is there a risk that weÂll have inflation after the economy recovers? ThatÂs the claim of those who look at projections that federal debt may rise to more than 100 percent of G.D.P. and say that America will eventually have to inflate away that debt  that is, drive up prices so that the real value of the debt is reduced. Until there are signs in the general economy of sustained price rises, it's silly to be worried about hyperinflation. Prices in the US are still falling - the CPI for all items has fallen 1.5% in the year ending in August - There's a much greater risk of a double-dip recession than inflation. The US isn't out of the woods by any means. Cheers, Scott. |
![]() high and getting higher. Electric bill is up taxes are up even tho the apprasal is 30k lower
![]() An article from the BLS addressing criticism of the CPI: (17 page .PDF)
p.2 The all-items CPI is constructed from approximately 8,000 basic indexes, which correspond to 38 geographic areas and 211 item categories. Apples in Chicago and gasoline in San Francisco are examples of these basic CPIs. Since 1978, the BLS has published CPI series that reflect the inflation experiences of two different population groups. The CPI for all urban consumers (CPI-U) and the CPI for urban wage earners and clerical workers (CPI-W) differ only in the relative weights that are attached to the basic item-area index components. For example, the CPI-W has a somewhat higher weight for gasoline than does the CPI-U, because the population of urban wage earners and clerical workers allocates a higher share of its consumption to gasoline than do urban consumers as a whole. p.11-12 Many consumers feel that their personal inflation experiences are not reflected in the movements of the CPI-U. These experiences can actually be borne out because some consumers spend more than others on items with rapidly increasing prices. The CPI-U is constructed from expenditures averaged over many consumers; as a consequence, some consumers will face a lower rate of inflation than that indicated by the CPI-U, and others will face a higher rate of inflation. For example, earlier it was noted that the wage earner and clerical worker families represented in the CPI-W allocate a higher-than-average share of their expenditures to gasoline. Partly for this reason, the CPI-W rose 4.3 percent over the 12 months ending March 2008, compared with 4.0 percent for the CPI-U. Further, BLS data from the CE show that low-income households spend a greater-than-average percentage of their expenditures on food at home and on gasoline and motor oil. By income quintile, from lowest to highest, 15.3 percent, 14.1 percent, 13.0 percent, 12.1 percent, and 9.2 percent of expenditures are devoted to food at home and to gasoline and motor oil.54 These statistics provide some evidence that the typical household in one of the lower income quintiles may be more adversely affected by current inflation than a typical household in one of the upper quintiles.55 FWIW. Cheers, Scott. |